As a Man Thinketh

As a Man Thinketh - James Allen Incredible little book that teaches its readers about the importance of human thought, about the importance that human thought has on us as human beings, our health, on our bodies, and on our achievements in any areas or aspects of our lives we choose to be.

I have to say that I firmly believe in everything that's written in it, for I know that thoughts are truly powerful and that good thoughts eventually bring good results and attract good things into your life and bad thoughts eventually bring bad results and attracts bad things into your life.

That's why our thoughts have to be as pure as possible if we truly wish to attract success, prosperity, happiness, and remarkable achievements into our lives. For if our thoughts are not pure, we can't attract any of that.

What we do instead is invite anything and everything
that's bad for our minds into our lives,
and live a life that's never truly
been meant for us to live.