Brian Tracy is no doubt a true master of his chosen craft for he has sold millions of copies of his self-help books to thousands, if not millions of people from all over the world, and has managed to push them forward with the power of his inspirational words to such an extent that they were able to discover and uncover their truest endless and limitless potential and make their dreams come true. However, this book's not one of his finest works, according to my humble opinion, for it didn't convince me at all as an avid reader. It's not that I disagree with 21 different ways on how to stop procrastinating and get more things done in far less time than usual that he has mentioned inside of this book, but I just think and I just feel that the only true way to actually stop procrastinating is by continuously taking massive action after massive action until your subconscious mind gets used to those massive actions and eventually accepts your grind. For you cannot really stop procrastinating, until your subconscious mind learns the true value and the true worth of hard work, immense effort, immense persistence, the true value and the true worth of your immense potential, and the true value and the true worth of your success.