How to Win Friends & Influence People

How to Win Friends & Influence People - Dale Carnegie It's kind of hard to understand why there's so much hatred surrounding this self-help classic, but on the other hand it's also somewhat understandable, for some of the methods used in this self-help classic are kind of out-dated and don't necessarily apply to the world we are currently living in, anymore, and are thus met with bad opinions and bad reviews from various different kind of people, that Mr. Carnegie definitely doesn't deserve to read about in his grave, for he has literally changed millions of people's lives with the power of his words over all the years of his existence. And if some of the methods don't necessarily apply to the world we are currently living in, anymore, that doesn't mean that this self-help classic doesn't not belong inside of a vault of the treasures of self-help industry. It most certainly does belong in that vault, and my hope is that it shall belong in that vault for a very long time.